Birmingham, AL
Resurrection Family Medicine
Family &
“We are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly.” - Martin Luther King, Jr. - “Letter from a Birmingham Jail”
“And work for the peace and prosperity of the city where I sent you into exile. Pray to the Lord for it, for its welfare will determine your welfare.” - Jeremiah 29:7
The urban residency’s main health center is located in the community of West End in Birmingham, AL. Inequitable systems have taken their toll on this beautiful community. This has created an opportunity to walk in the footsteps of Jesus and minister in his love through the provision of high quality healthcare.
We believe in being on mission together in this way. Being on mission together creates a deep community among our residency family. Our community and family feel that this is one of the hallmarks of our residency. Additionally, many of our residents and faculty have chosen to live in the health center’s neighborhood, to invest our lives here. This allows us to engage as neighbors and to share rich experiences in the community.
Through our award-winning quality metrics and rigorous full-scope training, our residents are equipped to deliver comprehensive care that truly impacts our community.
While our storefront is healthcare, what’s inside is a deep concern for all aspects of the welfare of our neighbors and community. “If you’re going to care at all, you must care about it all.” “For its welfare will determine [our] welfare.”
After graduation, our residents are equipped to carry these lessons and practices with them to impact individuals and their communities wherever they may go … whether streets, fields, or ends of the earth.
Full scope
FAmily Medicine
Our residency is designed to equip graduates to flourish in resource-poor areas domestically and internationally. Therefore our curriculum incorporates full spectrum Family Medicine training, as you’ll see in the section entitled “The Program.” From a broad array of procedures in the clinic and hospital … to multiple overseas rotations … to advocacy locally and nationally, we provide residents with comprehensive training that will serve as the foundation on which they will build their careers.
Cahaba Family Medicine Residency started in 2013 as a rural residency program in Centreville, AL. The program was created to provide full spectrum preparation for marginalized rural and international communities. In 2018 the Cahaba Urban residency was formed when Resurrection Health in Memphis, TN transferred its program to Cahaba. (see more below)
Our heart is to care for people where the need is greatest, locally and globally, walking in the footsteps of Jesus and ministering in his love.
In Birmingham, different sorts of people are separated by a mountain (Red Line). There is tremendous disparity in life expectancy and social determinants of health on the two sides.
The urban residents are based at the Cahaba West End Health Center which serves an area of town called West End (circled). Our residents and faculty live and provide broad spectrum family medicine care among this community.
The mission continues
The Story of Resurrection Family Medicine / Christ Community Family Medicine
In 1995, 4 doctors started Christ Community Health Services in Memphis, TN. A completely unique and groundbreaking residency resulted. That heritage transitioned to the Cahaba Urban Residency in 2018. Click here to read more of the story.